Xiaorong Luo, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China
Speech title: Novel high-voltage Normally-Off GaN Power Devices

Sam Zhang Shanyong, School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Speech title: Growth and Wettability of TiO2 Nanotube Arrays on Ti Tubes

Wenhao Fang, School of Chemical Science and Technology, Yunnan University, China
Speech title: Aquivion - carbon composites via hydrothermal carbonization: Pickering Interficial Catalysts for solvent-free biphasic acetalization

Tong Liu, School of Power and Mechanical Engineering, Wuhan University, China
Speech title: Effects on microstructure of NiO–YSZ anode support fabricated by phase-inversion method

Kun Huang, Institute of chemical industry of forest products, Chinese Academy of Forestry, China
Speech title: Synthesis, cure and properties of plant oil based epoxy thermosetting monomers

Caitong, The air force engineering university,China
Speech title: High-Performance Transparent Meta-surface:Mechanisms, Design, and Applications

Aibin Huang, Shanghai Institute of Silicate of CAS
Speech title: Room temperature sputtered CoOx thin films employed as hole transport materials for planar heterojunction provskite solar cells and further optimization by Cu+ doping

Guangyao Sun, Shanghai Institute of Silicate of CAS
Speech title: A novel multifunctional thermochromic structure with skin comfort design for smart window application

Faxiang QIN, Assoc Director of Institute for Composites Science Innovation (InCSI),Zhejiang University
Speech title: Metacomposites in context