Condition Before 2016.9.20 After 2016.9.20
Authors (Non Member) 2600 RMB / 450 $ 2800 RMB / 480 $
Authors (Full Student) 2400 RMB / 380 $ 2600 RMB / 400 $
Additional Page 400 RMB / 90$ 500 RMB/ 90 $
Listeners 1200 RMB / 190$ 1600 RMB / 190$

Authors' registration fee includes:
One Paper
Technical Sessions
Coffee breaks
Lunch & Dinner on November 20, 2016
Conference program guide
one tour
Note: One registration invite only one author to come to the conference, if more than one author will come, please inform the conference secretary liu email:, at least 15 days before the conference.

Authors with 3 or more papers can enjoy the favorable price (original price - 200RMB) per paper.
HuoDongJia CNKI Conference Partner IOP - Materials Science and Engineering
Yunnan University Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Copyright © International Conference on New Material and Chemical Industry (NMCI2016)